Personal Training For Your Health and Fitness Goals


The Winter Countdown
Posted 2018-01-05 by Bambi Christman in Training

Yes, you have 3 months to hide beneath bulky sweaters, but the countdown to Spring has already begun! Winter is actually a great time to tackle your health and fitness regimens. Nutrition is easier with the holidays behind us and the desire for chase-away-the-chill soups (so nutritious and easy to make!) And I find training through the Winter, with the goal of a leaner, stronger body by Spring, is also easier.

Don't waste the Winter months hibernating on your couch! Let's get you moving better and eating better through January, February and March - and you will be thrilled by April!

Get yourself on my traiining schedule today!

Bambi educates me, challenges me, and has become a priceless partner on my journey to a strong, fit, healthy me.

— Dr. Sue G.
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