Personal Training For Your Health and Fitness Goals


Should It Be This Much Fun?
Posted 2023-07-13 by Bambi Christman in Training

It's definitely time for me to share this information, because I have heard this question 5 times last week alone!

"I'm really enjoying my training sessions with you! Should it be this much fun?"

Of course it should be fun! If you don't enjoy your training, you are not going to use what I am teaching you at home. And it is important that you train AT LEAST 2 times through the week on your own. I customize each workout for every client, depending on: 1) what are the goals of the training session (and this can change many times), 2) what is the energy level and overall health of the client that day,  3) and what training has the client performed since our last session.

I learn what each of my clients ENJOYS doing and sprinkle a healthy mix of those moves into the session, along with the more challenging moves I know will move them closer to their goals.

During the training session, I educate my clients on the how's and why's of body mechanics and how to master  good form and proper technique. 

Learning is fun! Education is fun! Getting stronger is fun! Seeing results is fun!

So, yes .... you SHOULD be having this much fun training with me :-)

If you aren't looking forward to your training sessions - with your current trainer and/or  at home, it is time for a change!  I hope to hear from you soon!

Bambi educates me, challenges me, and has become a priceless partner on my journey to a strong, fit, healthy me.

— Dr. Sue G.
Schedule your personal training session right now  610-850-3104