Personal Training For Your Health and Fitness Goals

$75 per one-hour session

Just you and me. In your home or in your office. Prefer to train outdoors? No problem. Your yard or a local park will work just fine. Or we can train in my Gilbertsville facility where there is more room and more equipment.


$80 per one-hour session Replica Handbags

Train with a friend. You both save $$$. Individual goals will be addressed. Individual nutrition will be examined. Train outdoors, in your home, or in my Gilbertsville facility where there is more room and more equipment.

KRAV MAGA Self Defense training REQUIRES a partner.


$140 per one-hour-session

You all save $$$. Group fitness sessions are great for stay-at-home moms who need to work around their children’s schedules or teammates preparing for an event. Group can include both men and women.

Group KRAV MAGA Sessions - minimum 2 hour sessions.

Bambi has not only helped me shed 50 lbs. of unwanted weight, build a strong, functional musculature, and teach me everything I need to know about eating correctly, but she has taught me how to PRIORITIZE my nutrition, my workouts, and my ME-time. I can't thank her enough!

— Michael W.
Schedule your personal training session right now  610-850-3104